“I have a pro-life bill. It’s ‘Life at Conception.'”
Kevin McCabe, D30
9/30/2024 HB 107 Campaign Speech
“I believe abortion is between a doctor and his decision, and a woman.”
Kevin McCabe, D30
9/30/2024 HB 107 Campaign Speech
Will hb 107 prohibit abortion?
Representative McCabe offers legal protection for abortion under HB 107.
Protecting babies from abortion is “not the intent of this bill.”
hb 107
False Flag Pro-Life Legislation
Will this bill prohibit abortions in Alaska?
“That’s not the intent of this bill.”
Representative Kevin McCabe
2/23/2024 House Judiciary Committee
HB 107 IS unnecessarily redundant
Alaska Statute 11.81.900.(b) (66)already recognizes that an unborn child is a human person “at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.”
Mr. McCabe’s February 23, 2024, testimony before the House Judiciary Committee demonstrated he is not serious about protecting babies from abortion. VIDEO
“The word human is missing [chuckle]… I missed that…”
Rep. McCabe: “An abortion – for whatever reason – is between the doctor, in his decision, and a woman.” 2/23/2024 House Judiciary Committee VIDEO
Rep. Groh: “Will this bill allow abortion providers to be prosecuted for murder?”
Rep. McCabe: “That’s not the intent of this bill.” 2/23/2024 House Judiciary Committee
Kevin McCabe
Summary on Life 201 - 2024
Votes to advance or pass abortion funding budgets
Abortion Funding Votes: 20
Abortions Funded: 1,594
Pro-Life Legislation
Abortion Related Legislation
20 votes to advance or pass abortion funding budgets
Life At Conception Act: OPPOSED
Prohibiting Abortion; Right to Privacy: NOT SUPPORTED
Sexuality Perverting Legislation
Transgender Surgery Funding for Children: FUNDED
33rd legilature
A Pro-Abortion Legislature
The 33rd Legislature provided many surprises for Pro-Lifers in Alaska
Republicans maintained majorities in both House and Senate
House: 22 Republicans over 18 Democrats and Independents
Senate: 11 Republicans over 9 Democrats
29 Republicans elected Democrats to power over the most powerful committees in the Legislature.
Senate Democrats controlled
Senate Rules Committee (decides which bills get voted on)
Senate Finance
Writes the Senate version of the budget
Approves or blocks funding for 70% of all legislation
Senate Judiciary
Senate Education
Senate State Affairs
Senate Community & Regional Affairs
Senate Resources
House Democrats chaired and controlled
House Finance with 3 Planned Parenthood Abortion Activists
Writes the House version of the budget
Approves or blocks funding for 70% of all legislation
House Community & Regional Affairs (Planned Parenthood endorsed CJ McCormick, Chair)
Republican led majorities killed every Pro-Life bill offered in the 33rd Legislature.
Republican led majorities passed a Planned Parenthood sponsored abortifacient and contraceptives expansion bill.
The same bill failed to advance under eight years of Democrat leadership.