Samuel Alito, Associate Justice, Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, June 24, 2022
Whereas: God made man in His own image (Genesis 1:26), human life begins at conception, and God instituted government to protect the right to life (Genesis 9:6);
Whereas: Alaska’s Constitution recognizes that “all persons have a natural right to life… are equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities, and protections under law;”
Whereas: The US and Alaska Constitutions do not reference abortion, and no right to abortion can be interpreted from Alaska’s right to privacy or any other constitutional provision;
Therefore: I urge Alaska’s Governor and Legislature to immediately end abortion in Alaska and provide equal protection and equal justice for all innocent human Life from the moment of conception without apology, exception or compromise.
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Samuel Alito, Associate Justice, Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, June 24, 2022
Whereas: God made man in His own image (Genesis 1:26), human life begins at conception, and God instituted government to protect the right to life (Genesis 9:6);
Whereas: Alaska’s Constitution recognizes that “all persons have a natural right to life… are equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities, and protections under law;”
Whereas: The US and Alaska Constitutions do not reference abortion, and no right to abortion can be interpreted from Alaska’s right to privacy or any other constitutional provision;
Therefore: I, the undersigned, urge Alaska’s Governor and Legislature to immediately end abortion in Alaska and provide equal protection and equal justice for all innocent human Life from the moment of conception without apology, exception or compromise.
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