



"PRO-LIFE" Republicans MUST NEVER Vote with abortion advocates

How many babies must die before Republicans get serious?

When Roe v Wade was overruled, the US Supreme Court made it clear that there is not now, and there ever been a constitutional right to kill babies.

Since there is no right to kill babies, there cannot be any right to force Alaskans to pay for babies to be murdered.

Unfortunately, Republican House Representatives from Pro-Life districts like Eagle River, Wasilla, Soldotna, and even Kodiak and North Pole voted with Planned Parenthood Abortion Advocates to KILL an amendment that may have protected babies from being killed with your money.

It’s time to let Representatives Prax, Ruffridge, Saddler, Sumner, and Stutes know that voting with Abortion Advocates to KILL a Pro-Life Amendment that may have saved hundreds of babies’ lives is an unacceptable betrayal of the Alaskans they representand a treacherous blow to the babies who are depending on them to withhold their killers’ fees, advocate for their right to life, and end abortion in Alaska.

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"PRO-LIFE" Republicans MUST NEVER Vote with abortion advocates

How many babies must die before Republicans get serious?

When Roe v Wade was overruled, the US Supreme Court made it clear that there has never been a constitutional right to kill babies.

Since there is no right to kill babies, there cannot be any right to force Alaskans to pay for babies to be murdered.

Unfortunately, Republican House Representatives from Pro-Life districts like Eagle River, Wasilla, Soldotna, and even Kodiak and North Pole voted with Planned Parenthood Abortion Advocates to KILL an amendment that may have protected babies from being killed with your money.

It’s time to let Representatives Prax, Ruffridge, Saddler, Sumner, and Stutes know that voting with Abortion Advocates to KILL a Pro-Life Amendment that may have saved hundreds of babies’ lives is an unacceptable betrayal of the Alaskans they representand a treacherous blow to the babies who are depending on them to withhold their killers’ fees, advocate for their right to life, and end abortion in Alaska.

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Republican Representatives Saddler, Sumner, Prax, Ruffridge, and Stutes voted with the Abortion Lobby April 4, 2023, in voting against the ONLY budget amendment that may have saved hundreds of babies.

Representative Stutes would never vote to protect babies’ lives, but even without her vote, the amendment would have passed, and babies’ lives could have been saved.

Hundreds of babies might have had a fighting chance had these Republicans honored the children at risk and the pro-life Alaskans they represent.

Representative Dan Saddler, Eagle River
Representative Jesse Sumner, Wasilla
Representative Mike Prax, North Pole
Representative Justin Ruffridge, Soldotna
Representative Louise Stutes, Kodiak

The Amendment, Number 36, would have protected babies from being killed by abortion in next year’s operating budget by focusing on a few key budgeting objectives.

First, it prohibited the State from transferring any money into the Medicaid Services account for abortions.


Next, Amendment 36 reduced portions of the Medicaid budget by $1,000,000, reflecting the total estimated cost of killing babies in 2022.

Finally, by assigning the budget values for abortion, Amendment 36 sets the exact amount that the State of Alaska can spend for abortions: $0.00


When a motion to table has been made, all discussion and debate stops and the House moves to an immediate vote: shall Amendment 36 be tabled?

The vote board below shows that EVERY Democrat voted to kill Amendment 36, and the five Republicans above did the abortion lobby’s dirty work and effectively killed Amendment 36, with a final vote of 23 to 17.


Had at least three of the five voted against tabling Amendment 36, the abortion lobby would not have had a majority vote, and Amendment 36 could have been discussed, debated, and ultimately, a vote on its merits could have been made.


Paying for babies to be killed is not a Republican value.  It certainly is not a value for elected representatives that are allied with or endorsed by pro-life groups like Alaska Family Council and Pro-Life Alaska.

These legislators need to hear from you and me. 

Their votes are outrageous violations of Alaskan babies’ right to life and the trust that voters have put into them in solidly pro-life districts like Eagle River, Wasilla, North Pole, and Soldotna.
