Alaskan moms are at a crossroads


Picture this: a young woman, in her late teens or early twenties, is at a crossroads in her life. 

She’s pregnant at a point in her life where nobody wants her to have a baby.  The baby’s father left has disappeared and her family turned their backs on her.  Out of school, and out of work, she’s couch surfing, feeling alienated, and abandoned.

To call this a crossroads is a bit of an understatement.  From her point of view, every option – every direction leads downhill, fast.

If she keeps the baby, she’ll be all alone.  She’ll become another statistic: a single mom working menial jobs, dependent on government handouts just to get by. 

Or she can go through with the abortion.  She knows what that means.  And if she does, she’ll be haunted by the guilt and shame for the rest of her life. 

Standing at the crossroads of life and death for her baby, she looks right at you, a Pro-Life Counselor, and yells from across Planned Parenthood’s parking lot, “Baby Daddy left and my parents kicked me out.  What can you do for me?” Her voice trembles, a shaky mix of a tough, protective front and bone-shaking fear.

And right there, when she’s feeling most vulnerable, right there at the crossroads, you’re able to offer her another option.  A real choice.  A lifeline.

I didn’t make this up.  It’s real, I’ve experienced it, and it happens outside every Planned Parenthood in Alaska.

But we need it to happen more – you – need to experience it.  And if you can’t, then we need your help recruiting, training, and deploying hundreds of Pro-Life Counselors outside every Planned Parenthood every day they’re open for business.  Day in, day out, giving these women another choice, a bit of support, and that tiny spark of hope.  A lifeline at a crossroads.

And you know what? It actually works. Meaning, 8 out of 10 women end up choosing life for their babies when they get the help and support they need to keep their babies.

We’re at a critically important crossroads ourselves. Your help right now could kickstart some big changes. We’re all in and committed to getting a full-time ministry leader set up in Anchorage to lead a team that’ll be there for women when they need it the most.

Your tax-deductible year-end donation is way more than just a gift. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m with you, I care about you, and I’ll help you,” to those mothers at the crossroads of life and death for their babies… moms who feel pretty much alone in the world. Here’s where your kindness will go:

  1. Getting a Full-Time Ministry Leader on board: Someone who’s always there, offering guidance and support.
  2. Training and Resources: So our Pro-Life Counselors are super prepared to serve moms and save babies.
  3. Saving babies, supporting moms: Whenever Planned Parenthood is open, our counselors are there, offering help that’s caring and private.
  4. Shutting down more abortion facilities: When moms choose life, abortion facilities start closing their doors.

Our goal? $100,000 by the end of the year.  We’re at a crossroads.  Political solutions are years away, so big or small, your help is huge for these crucial moments.

Join us on this amazing journey. Let’s turn Alaska into a place where moms and their babies aren’t just safe but celebrated.

When she’s at those crossroads, scared, alone, and convinced there’s only one way out, you can show you care, you’ll help, and that she and her baby are safe and will be cared for. 

It’s time.  Be that change.  Be that hope.  Donate now.


Alaska Right to Life, Inc.
  • Pro-Life Ministry at Abortion Businesses that Serve Moms and Save Babies
  • Statewide Outreach and Education that Protects the Family and What it Means to Be Human
  • Education That Protects Children from Abortion and Gender-Destroying Ideologies
Tax Deductible


Alaska Right to Life, Inc.
  • Pro-Life Ministry at Abortion Businesses that Serve Moms and Save Babies
  • Statewide Outreach and Education that Protects the Family and What it Means to Be Human
  • Education That Protects Children from Abortion and Gender-Destroying Ideologies
Tax Deductible

P.S.  Thank you for standing with us for life!  Remember – to have your gifts count for year-end tax deductions, please ensure your mailed donations are postmarked by December 30th and your online gifts are submitted by December 31st.

If you prefer to contribute by mail, please click HERE to print out a CONTRIBUTION FORM and mail it to:

Alaska Right to Life

PO Box 201134

Anchorage, AK 99520.

Alaska Right To Life

As Alaskans committed to ending abortion for over 45 years, we’re just like you – we’re everyday Alaskans with jobs, and families, living the Alaskan dream, and we want abortion to end and all innocent human lives protected – especially the most innocent and vulnerable.

Alaska Right To Life understands how hard it is to save a single life.  We continue to build coalitions with other ministries, churches, and other advocacy and political groups so that we can protect innocent human lives in any and every way possible.

We have helped tens of thousands of Alaskans get involved, serve in ministry, save babies, influence elections and legislation, and save lives since 1973.