House Bill 206: The Life at Conception Act
Did Kevin McCabe lie on the House Floor April 26th?
Did Kevin McCabe collude with a Planned Parenthood endorsed abortion proponent?
Did Kevin McCabe really give the abortion lobby a huge win against life?
Watch Kevin McCabe tell one story on the House Floor, and a completely different story at a campaign event.
Did Kevin McCabe lie?
How many times?
Did Kevin McCabe really collude with the abortion industry to discredit the Life at Conception Act and its sponsor, Christopher Kurka?
Watch the see for yourself as Kevin McCabe tells two different stories.
If you cannot trust Kevin McCabe to protect and advance the Life At Conception Act, HB 206, then what can you trust him with?
Paid for by the Alaska Right to Life Stop Killing Babies Fund. I Patrick Martin, Chair, Approve This Message. Top Contributors: The Alaska Right To Life Committee, PO Box 201134, Anchorage, AK 99520