
No Mandatory Sex  Ed Petition


NO Mandatory Sex Ed petition

Redefining Humanity and Sexuality Perverts God's Design for People and harms children.

Senate Bill 43, “Health and Personal Safety Education” would require all school districts to provide sex education according to the National Sexuality Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K-12 (NSES).

NSES indoctrinates and corrupts children by:

Redefining marriage and family in the 2nd grade.

Redefines gender in the 5th grade as a “cultural identity” that can be modified with “hormone blockers.”

Teaches 8th graders that abortion is a parenting option.

 Senate Bill 43, “Health and Personal Safety Education” would indoctrinate K-12 children in radical ideologies that call abortion a  parenting option, eliminates mothers and fathers from the family, and redefines gender as “socially constructed” but chemically and surgically modified.


Tell the Alaska Legislature to OPPOSE Senate Bill 43.

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Redefining Humanity and Sexuality Perverts God's Design for People.

Senate Bill 43, “Health and Personal Safety Education” would require all school districts to provide sex education according to the National Sexuality Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K-12 (NSES).

NSES indoctrinates and corrupts children by:

Redefining marriage and family in the 2nd grade.

Redefines gender in the 5th grade as a “cultural identity” that can be modified with “hormone blockers.”

Teaches 8th graders that abortion is a parenting option.

 Senate Bill 43, “Health and Personal Safety Education” would indoctrinate K-12 children in radical ideologies that call abortion parenting, eliminates mothers and fathers from the family, and redefines gender as “socially constructed” but chemically and surgically modified.

Tell the Alaska Legislature to OPPOSE Senate Bill 43.

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A Personhood Initiative sponsored by Alaska Right to Life

A Personhood Initiative sponsored by Alaska Right to Life
