Legislative report & reload

The battle rages in the heart of Alaska’s Legislature, threatening the very essence of what it means to be human. 

Over the last four months, thousands of Alaska Right to Life Members stood against militant abortion advocacy, the deceptive scourge of destructive de-gendering drugs and surgeries and defended the last abortion free safe space for mothers and their babies.

Below are four of the most critical areas Alaska Right to Life and our Members joined in the battle to protect the image of God in babies, children, mothers, and the very meaning of what it means to be human.

While many of our efforts were defeated, our commitment to see our society value and protect the image of God in children from conception to natural end of life has only strengthened.


Alaska Right to Life approached House Finance Co-Chair DeLena Johnson with a $0.00 abortion de-funding amendment. Ultimately, it was Representative David Eastman and Senator Shelley Hughes that offered the amendments on the House and Senate Floors.  Democrats in both chambers moved quickly to kill the amendments that could have saved as many as 803 children from being aborted in the coming year.


Alaska Right to Life delivered 4,983 Members’ petitions supporting the Life at Conception Act, HB 205, during our presentation to the House Health and Social Service Committee on March 14th.

The Life at Conception Act is the most comprehensive pro-life bill ever proposed in Alaska.  The bill recognizes children as persons from conception, excludes abortion from Alaska’s unique privacy rights, and it curbs pro-abortion judicial activism.

It has been nearly two years since Roe v Wade was overruled by the US Supreme Court’s Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, and the fight to end abortion in Alaska is no less difficult today than it was before Roe fell.  But as God blesses our outreach, education, and legislative efforts, we will see babies protected from abortion in Alaska! 

You can watch the presentation HERE.


Did you know that Alaskans budget and pay for irreversible puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and destructive gender surgeries for children?  With an assist from Alaska Right to Life, Rep. Eastman fought to protect children by proposing a budget amendment that would prohibit the State of Alaska from paying for these irreversible, life-altering treatments.  In a stunning 39:3 vote, House Democrats and all but 3 Republicans shockingly united to defeat this crucial measure.  


Thousands of Alaska Right to Life Members played a crucial role in protecting non-hospital midwives – the last sector of maternal healthcare that doesn’t perform abortions – from potential elimination by an executive order from Governor Dunleavy’s office.  Alaska Right to Life Members generated an unprecedented 3,000(+) petitions, emails, and phone calls to Legislators in just two weeks, leading to a landslide 58:1 victory protecting mothers’ rights to choose the best care for themselves and their babies.


The Alaska State Fair provides the largest outreach opportunity in Alaska, with hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.  Alaska Right to Life ministry, education, and outreach efforts at the Fair regularly save babies, convert pro-choice Alaskans to being pro-life and attract as many as 2,000 first time Pro-Life Members to the cause

With a $40,000 budget, the Alaska Right to Life booth reaches more than 10,000 Alaskans with pro-life educational materials, brochures, books, DVDs, and voter’s guides.  Please consider a generous contribution to help make the outreach at the Fair a success.


Alaska Right to Life is expanding our stand against the evil of abortion with a powerful 11-message advertising campaign, backed by a $34,000 budget.  These 2-minute ads shine a light on the destruction that abortion reaps on babies and women while highlighting the life-affirming work being done to rescue babies and provide essential support to families facing unplanned pregnancies.  Don’t miss the opportunity to support these powerful videos. 

Click HERE to the right to preview the videos.


Alaska Right to Life regularly publishes voters’ guides on our website, but this year we’re printing and mailing voters’ guides to every Alaska Right to Life Member (just under 10,000) along with distribution to churches and other organizations that will share them with their members.  Print and distribution costs are estimated at $6,000.  Please chip in today if getting accurate candidate and election information to pro-life voters is important to you.


Despite the ongoing challenges in a Legislature that grows more indifferent to the suffering of Alaskan children killed by abortion, we are committed to protecting babies through continued outreach, education, and legislative action.


Stand firm with us against militant abortion advocacy that can only produce dead babies and wounded women, destroying mothers and children in a world where each are to be cherished equally.

Stand firm with us against the deceptive scourge of destructive de-gendering drugs and surgeries that leave children irreversibly scarred, in a world where being a boy or girl, a man or woman, a father or mother, is central to what it means to be human.

Stand firm with us against the onslaught of attacks against the image of God in mothers and children; whether they be the scourge of irreversibly destructive drugs and surgeries, or the wanton destruction of human life at any age and any stage of development from conception to natural end of life.

Your support today helps us recover and refuel from four months of undivided focus on our legislative efforts protect the image of God in mothers and children from conception to natural end of life.

Your support today helps us reach, teach, and minister to more people than we ever have at the Alaska State Fair.

Your support today helps us amplify your pro-life vote and distribute life affirming advertisements in this critical time when the abortion industry is advancing its death cult like never before.

Please consider making your very best one-time gift or a monthly contribution today.

Your generosity is the lifeblood of our organization, and we are grateful for your commitment to the cause of life here in Alaska. 

Thank you for standing firm with Alaska Right to Life and defending babies, children, mothers, and families.

For Life,

Patrick Martin

Alaska Right to Life


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