Every lawyer and legal scholar knows the importance of defining words accurately. In the case of abortion, the difference in how a child is a matter of life and death for those waiting to be born in Alaska.
More than that, the distinctions we make within those definitions can be used against those children as well. If the definition of children waiting to be born is too broad, too narrow, or simply misses a specific distinction, abortion proponents will find or create an exception and make a case for killing more children.
When considering how to define children in reference to killing innocent human beings, the list of distinctions is long and can be very complex
- How old is he? Three days, three weeks, three months… three years old?
- Where does he live? Does he sleep in a big-boy bed, a crib, or is he still nestled in his mother’s womb? And what about the embryo that is kept alive in a cryotube? Does he have a right to life?
- Should size matter? Those who say the might makes right would say it does.
- Should her level of development matter? If her lungs work, is she more worthy of life and legal protection than the child that hasn’t yet implanted in his mother’s womb?
- What about race or religion of her parents?
And the list goes on, and on. It’s hard to know where to stop – if we should stop at all. Just consider the embryo that was conceived asexually, as in the case of Invetro Fertilization procedures. Just 50 years ago, such technology was as foreign as the digital devices we carry in our pockets and wear on our wrists today.
Current Alaska Statute 01.10.055 lacks a meaningful definition.
child means a natural person from the moment of conception until 18 years of age
- COMPREHENSIVE. Defining all children in Alaska as natural persons returns the right to life and the legal protections that were taken away by the Alaska Legislature in 1970, and again in the 1973 Roe v Wade decision.
- WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS. All children are made in the image of God regardless of how they were conceived, how many chromosomes they have, how old they are, and whether they live in their mother’s bodies or run and play in her home. An innocent child’s right to life is extended by our Creator God and shall not be infringed upon from conception to natural end of life.
- INCLUSIVE. From the moment of conception to 18 years of age, innocent children deserve the right to life under the LIFE At Conception Act, and by protecting them during the nearly 19 years of life included in the Act, we prohibit killing innocent children at any age, any stage, any season, and for any reason.
The goal – or intent – of the Life At Conception Act with respect to children is to protect all innocent human life from the moment of conception to natural end of life within the nearly 19 years of life covered by the LIFE At Conception Act.
Health and medical difficulties that result in a child’s death without the intent of killing the child are excluded from the definition of abortion and are logically and obviously not prohibited by The Life At Conception Act.
The LIFE At Conception Act
The end of abortion in Alaska
The LIFE At Conception Act is a comprehensive bill that eliminates legalized child killing in Alaska from the moment of conception without exception to the child’s age, level of development, disability, sex, nature of conception, or any other distinguishing characteristic.
The LIFE At Conception Act protects all innocent human life from the moment of conception to natural death by addressing several points in Alaska’s Constitutional and Statutory Laws:
- Eliminates abortion access from the right to privacy, as found in Article 1, Section 22 of the Alaska State Constitution.
- Defines children in the womb from the moment of conception as ‘natural persons.’
- Defines conception as the beginning of the biological development of a human organism, when the sperm and egg fuse.
- Defines abortion as the action taken before or during the birth of a child with the intent to kill the child.
- Repeals Alaska’s abortion laws and statutes, primarily Alaska Statute 18.16.
- Creates criminal penalties for any intentional killing of a child at any age equivalent to negligent homicide, murder, or any other intentional killing of a person.