Abortion Funding Committees
The Speaker of the House assigns Members to Committee Chairmanship and Membership positions in the House. The House Finance Committee writes the Budget that either protects babies by prohibiting abortion spending, or funds abortions that take nearly 800 innocent lives.
Representative Tilton, if “personnel is policy,” then your House Finance Committee assignments demonstrate that forcing Alaskans to pay for babies to be killed is shamefully your policy.
In this Post-Roe era where the constitution does not recognize “a right to abortion” or abortion funding, your actions are beyond defensible.
Representative Tilton, if saving “just one life” is heroic, then dismissing the loss of an innocent life as trivial, especially when it’s funded by taxpayers isn’t just a moral inconsistency; it is a fundamental flaw in your understanding of right and wrong.
I am urging you to reorganize the House Finance Committee to ensure that not a single cent of public money is used to fund abortion. This is your duty, your moral imperative.