Bob Bird is a long time friend of Alaska Right to Life, a Constitutional Scholar and Pro-Life leader. Bob has influenced pro-life ministry, activism, and legislation in Alaska for decades.
In this article, you’ll see why Bob is so respected: it takes a kind heart, wisdom, and a gentle answer to make friends with folks who oppose us on an issue as difficult as our mission to end abortion in Alaska.
Bob reminds us that we don’t war against flesh and blood, but for the souls and lives of real people – just like the one we see here with Bob.

I did not show up at the Y but instead posted myself outside the Planned Parenthood clinic, about six blocks away. It was quiet, warm and sunny and while I was there, only myself and another prolifer prayed quietly on the sidewalk.
I learned that at the Y both sides were about equally represented. When my replacement arrived in front of PP I went to the Y to join the others. Both sides had made an implicit agreement to occupy two of the four corners. We were hoping to avoid any nasty confrontations and were met with the pleasant surprise of a very well-spoken and courteous abortion supporter.
“What might we have in common?” was her first question.
“Please tell everyone on your side that they need not fear that we will be in their face, intend any harm or will verbally berate them.”
“I think we can agree on that.”
When she found out that two of our prolifers were world-class ornithologists, she was most excited and engaged in a friendly conversation about bird watching. She asked me about the questionable constitutional issues regarding Roe v. Wade and was surprised that I was a states’ rights advocate, not a Human Life Amendment promoter.
I said, “These United States were never meant to have coast-to-coast uniformity. The 19th century physicians, who outlawed abortion, knew that they needed to go to each state to enact prolife laws. This tissue of protection would have maintained itself were it not for the overthrow of the Constitution that Roe represents. Similarly, I think if the federal government got into the business of defending pre-born babies, they would do a selective and very bad job of it, like just about everything else.
“There are libertarians who favor abortion but want Roe overturned, since it is an overthrow of the Constitution. And there are prolifers who believe a federal amendment is not only impossible, but would lead to an unpopular tyranny. Imagine ‘pregnancy officers’ posted in offices and factories, checking to see why women missed their last period. Not much different than China.”
This pleasant exchange was marred when we learned later that a reporter from KSRM Radio was hit by an egg or eggs hurled by a cowardly passing motorist while she was interviewing an abortion supporter. Few people saw it, but the reporter suffered serious welts to her head and neck. How this story will play out is anyone’s guess at this time. No description of the vehicle or the occupants has been available. The motives are, of course, left to guesswork.
– Bob Bird, Soldotna