Senators Elvi Gray-Jackson, Tobin, and Dunbar are attempting to force all Alaska schools to REQUIRE your children to be indoctrinated in a “sexual health” program under the guise of “Personal Safety Education,” as the bill is titled.
But sexualizing kindergartners has nothing to do with personal safety, especially when Planned Parenthood, the Sexuality Information and Education Council (SIECUS), the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network, and The Southern Poverty Law Center are behind the push for this bill.
The bill REPEALS parents’ rights under AS 14.30.361 .
The bill REQUIRES children to be taught the National Sexuality Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K-12. NSES:
Teaches abortion is an option to be exercised by underage minors in the eighth grade.
Teaches medically and scientifically inaccurate information about abortion, neglecting even the existence, let alone the humanity of children killed by abortion.
Presents abortion – killing a child before he is born – as a “Pregnancy Option” to underage minors.
Re-defines families and marriage to include those with “same-gender parents.”
Indoctrinates children in 2nd grade to their redefinition of parents.
Redefines gender as “a set of cultural identities and roles,” as “socially constructed,” and “possible to reject or modify,” while hypocritically advocating for “hormone blockers” as the means to “reject or modify” one’s gender.
Advocates for the use of gender destroying “hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender” to children in the 5th grade.
Creates prejudice and discrimination against children who do not agree with the assertion that gender is “socially constructed” but chemically and surgically “modified.”